Ruth Knight, ERYT500

“Breathe & Be Calm” Stress Management Classes

When we are able to move or feel intentionally, with our whole being present, aligned and flowing inside our breath and body, it's possible to connect with the essential energy underlying our health and creativity.  You can call this your spirit, soul, the Divine, the higher Self, or God.  Having experienced this within your individual self, it's possible to connect with and experience the divine in others and begin to understand that every one of us is connected within the eco-system of our beautiful, sacred planet Earth.

This understanding is the foundation of my yoga teaching.

Having such a depth of contact within ourselves is not complicated, but it's not always so easy. We all have a lot of distractions and day-to-day tensions. Learning to relax body and mind and connect lovingly with our breathing is a good place to start.  Making some time every day to breath and relax is a significant way to support your health and happiness.

I’ve taught yoga and meditation for 30 plus years, been director of and a main faculty person for The Movement Center’s yoga teacher training program. Within that context, my main area of practice, study, and teaching has always been the breath as a simple, accessible means for creating upward shifts in our awareness.

At this point in my teaching, although no longer offering asana classes (yoga poses), I'm available to work individually or in small groups with students who want coaching on how to relax and breathe more fully.