The Movement Center offers you the opportunity to tap into the highest potential that exists for you as a human being. We support your growth as you awaken to the power of life within you, discover the dimensions of that power, and become empowered to live a life of your own design.
“Love is alive inside you and is the very essence of your life.”
The Movement Center and the educational division, e-TMC Academy, are dedicated to spiritual practice in the tantric tradition. Our spiritual practices focuse on the release of tension that increases the flow of creative energy in all dimensions of life and promote personal transformation. The basic spiritual technique and approach of The Movement Center is based on kundalini yoga, which harnesses the energy of the breath to activate the power of spirit within us.
What Is Kundalini?
Kundalini is the energy of life and the power underlying our individual existence. It is the manifestation in human form of Shakti, the universal divine energy. Kundalini has been recognized in a variety of traditions. Different religious and healing systems discuss prana, spirit, chi, potency, and vital force. Another phrase that is used to refer to kundalini is the breath of life.
The practice is to release our tensions, experience the dynamism of kundalini, and encourage it to unfold and express itself. Through it we engage the process of growing.
Our spiritual lineage springs from Bhagavan Nityananda, a great mahasiddha who lived in Ganeshpuri, India, and his student, Swami Rudrananda (Rudi), one of the first Americans to bring eastern spirituality to this country. Swami Chetanananda is the current lineage holder and the spiritual director of The Movement Center.
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