We welcome back Dr Sujit Chatterjee for a presentation on the contemporary applications of homeopathy, including the relationship between homeopathy and spirituality. Dr. Chatterjee will also talk about treating the side effects of cancer treatment, antibiotic resistance, and other pathologies. There will be a question and answer session where he will address questions about homeopathy and being a homeopathic patient.
Dr. Sujit Chatterjee (D.H.M.S, H.D, F.C.A.H), has been a Mumbai based classical homoeopathic practitioner since 1984. He is known for his extensive research into cancer and other pathological diseases. He uses his many years of personal expertise together with specific remedies, the sensation method and mother tinctures to treat patients. His knowledge of the process of metamorphosing patients’ understanding into homeopathic rubrics is unique. He is eager to share his knowledge with professionals and has given International Seminars all over the world, including Switzerland, Germany, Austria, U.K, U.S.A & Canada.