Chöd  One of the main sadhanas practiced at the Movement Center is Chöd. Chöd means “cutting through,” cutting through tensions, doubts, fears, obstacles and obscurations that deny us access to the joy within us.  The heart of the Ch


Chöd is a very ancient practice and is very useful for overcoming doubts, fears, obstacles and ego-clinging. 



   100 Handprint Ritual  The 100 Handprint Ritual of Machig Labdron is an ancient and rare practice. It is an expansion of our  Chöd  practice and is effective to help others release trauma and tension and alleviate mental, physical and

100  Handprint Ritual

The 100  Handprint Ritual is a powerful practice for promoting healing and the release of trauma.


   Phowa  In Vajrayana Buddhism, the practice of Phowa is considered the most effective way to facilitate the transition into the next stage of existence. It can by done by a practitioner at the time of his or her own death, or for another p


Phowa practice is a companion to Chöd and helps to facilitate the transition to a new level of being at the time of death.


   White Mahakala  The White Mahakala ceremony brings wealth and good fortune in the areas of family, business, knowledge and spirituality. The practice removes obstacles to the flow of prosperity and invokes positive energies, helping parti

White Mahakala

The White Mahakala practice calls in the energy of prosperity for all aspects of life.


   Long Life Puja  Our Long Life Practice, “Vital Essence in a Vase of Amrita,” is a rejuvenation practice in which the participants summon the vital energy and life force from the elements and universal powers through meditation and visuali

Long Life Puja

The Long Life Puja helps us gather the energetic resources we need to practice fully and productively.


   Queen of Great Bliss  The Queen of Great Bliss (Tib.: Yumka Dechen Gyalmo) is a sadhana practice on Yeshe Tsogyal, the consort of  Guru Rinpoche , as a wisdom dakini. Like our Chod and Long Life Practices, this sadhana is from the Lo

Queen of Great Bliss

The Queen of Great Bliss practice is a monthly celebration of beauty, life, community and creative energy.