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Om Namah Shivaya: Mantra Meditation (digital audio)

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Om Namah Shivaya: Mantra Meditation (digital audio)


Swami Chetanananda

Swami Chetanananda invites you to discover the source of happiness within by using the mantra Om Namah Shivaya as you focus on feeling and flowing your vital energy through three primary chakras—in the pelvis, the heart, and the head. He explains the purpose of the mantra and guides us in its use, then allows a period of time to do our inner practice at our own pace to the accompaniment of the tamboura. Simple yet extremely powerful, this meditation is suitable for daily use by both new and experienced meditators.

Recorded October 19, 2016 at The Movement Center in Portland, OR. 

(28:39 minutes)

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