Choose To Be Happy
Choose To Be Happy
by Swami Chetanananda
Happiness is not an external condition into which one stumbles. It is a conscious decision that must be made every day. A spiritual life requires an inner vision, the wish to grow, and the daily discipline of inner work. This book penetrates these subjects with wisdom and clarity and directs readers to the understanding that "the real treasure is within you." An easy-to-follow meditation practice is included to help quiet your mind and sustain your spiritual practice as you move through your day.
"I have never read a book that affected me so profoundly as this... an exceptional book."
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About the Author
Swami Chetanananda is a master of Trika Yoga practice and a teacher in the lineage of Bhagavan Nityananda of Ganeshpuri. He is the abbot and spiritual director of The Movement Center, based in Portland, Oregon.
Swamiji works with students to awaken their creative energy and support them in the process of its unfoldment. He teaches Dynamic Stillness practice, a direct transmission meditation in which teacher and student share the experience of the underlying unity of all things.
Swamiji has a profound grasp of Kashmir Shaivism and the other philosophical and practice traditions he has studied. He conveys their essence in direct and accessible terms, making them relevant to everyday circumstances. He offers simple, practical techniques for working with creative energy that can be practiced by anyone. The fundamental method uses the power of the breath to circulate the creative energy (kundalini) and intensify its flow so that tensions and obstacles are dissolved, leading to a more refined awareness.