Swami Chetanananda will perform a fire ceremony (havan) on Sunday, August 20, for the benefit of our entire community and environment and to help offset the potentially negative effects of the coming solar eclipse.
This is a beautiful ritual, with elaborate offerings, and all are welcome to experience the power of the sacred fire. The puja takes place at the havan kund (fire pit) by the Shiva Nataraj statue on the south lawn.
The use of fire as a means of worship is the most ancient of all rites, going back to the earliest Vedic times. We conduct a havan to dispel negative energies from our minds: to burn up negative life patterns. The havan also brings lighter energies into our minds and body, paving way for positive thoughts and actions to enter into our life.
The ceremony creates extremely auspicious and purifying vibrations that are beneficial to all who attend the havan. The smoke that rises from the fire contains a powerful energy, and as it rises purifies the atmosphere, both physically and subtly. The energetic vibrations that are invoked during a traditional Vedic fire ceremony represent the presence of the Divine on Earth. The element of fire is associated with the upward motion of the Kundalini energy and is considered to be the most powerfully purifying element.
The havan is especially appropriate at this time of global chaos and confusion. As Swamiji says:
“We are out of balance within ourselves. We as a species are out of balance with our environment. So, what we are doing actually in the havan is calling upon the innate quality of self-organization that is ever present in the universe. We are trying to invoke that for our own individual benefit and the benefit of all of humanity and the earth. It’s really a prayer for everybody. We are praying that the abundance, which is the essence of that self-organization capacity, will express itself again for the benefit for all human beings.”
All are welcome to attend.