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Shaktipat Intensive with Swami Chetanananda (Portland, OR)

Shaktipat is a centuries old technique for awakening consciousness through contact with a powerful energy resource. Receiving shaktipat can bring benefits on all levels: increasing vitality, releasing deeply held mental tensions, uplifting emotions, and expanding  consciousness. It initiates a deep and profound process of spiritual unfoldment, culminating in Self-Realization.

Opportunities to experience authentic shaktipat are rare. During this intensive, Swami Chetanananda (“Swamiji”) will give shaktipat individually to everyone present. He uses the classical method of touch, usually on the head or heart chakra, to awaken kundalini energy and begin a natural process of spiritual transformation.

Saturday & Sunday, April 9 - 10

The fee for the 2 day Shaktipat Intensive is 325.00 (early bird 295.00 through March 25).