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The Sky of the Heart: Jewels of Wisdom from Nityananda


The Sky of the Heart: Jewels of Wisdom from Nityananda


by Swami Chetanananda and M.U. Hatengdi

An extraordinary book of universal appeal. Recorded in India during the 1920s, these verses contain the essence of Nityananda’s spiritual wisdom. Because he spoke very little, this collection is a rare treasure of inspired words, spoken from an exceptional state of consciousness. Informative commentaries, a glossary, and rare photographs complete this remarkable volume.

"First and foremost, Nityananda was concerned with the immersion of the mind in the inner Self, the union of individual and Divine. [He] speaks with simple conviction about the most subtle and refined points of the spiritual realm. His spiritual presence flows through these words, for he spoke from a state of complete Self-awareness."--Swami Chetanananda

Formerly titled Nitya Sutras: The Revelations of Nityananda from the Chidakash Gita.

290 pages
ISBN 0-915801-63-9

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